Amazing Rainbow Cake recipe
If you thought it was impossible to create a beautiful dessert that enchants your little ones, we have excellent news: this rainbow cake is at your fingertips.
Rainbow Cake Ingredients:
2 boxes of Betty Crocker ™ SuperMoist® French Vanilla Cake
2 cups of water
1 cup vegetable oil
6 eggs
Vegetable dyes blue, green, yellow and red.
2 bottles of Betty Crocker ™ Rich & Creamy Vanilla Bitumen
Rainbow Cake preparation mode:
Heat your oven to 175 ° C. Grease 3 round molds of 22 cm each with cooking spray.
In a large bowl, beat the cake flour, water, oil and eggs with an electric mixer at low speed for 30 seconds, then at medium speed for 2 more minutes. Occasionally scrape the mold walls. Divide the mixture evenly into six different containers (approximately 1/3 cups per container).
Using the dyes, paint one of the containers blue, another red, another green, another yellow, another orange (using red and yellow) and one purple (using blue and the Red).
Refrigerate three colors until ready to use. Pour the rest of the colors into the different molds that you greased at the beginning.
Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until the cake bounces when you touch them in the center and begins to peel off the sides. Let cool 10 minutes. Go to grids and let cool completely.
Clean the molds and repeat the operation with the remaining three colors.
If necessary, match the top of the cakes by cutting what stands out. Place the purple layer on a serving plate and cover the top with a bit of bitumen without reaching the edges. Repeat this operation with the rest of the layers. Next, cover the top and sides of the cake with a very thin layer of bitumen to seal the morons and, finally, cover the cake with the rest of the bitumen.