How to make the best homemade pizza of your life

How not to want a delicious homemade pizza? 

People have loved that round delicatessen for 7 thousand years ... or at least that is what we can imagine from the archaeological records that say that in Sardinia, France, that international delight was born that has become the unanimous favorite of the world . That mixture between bread, cheese and tomato is no longer just a food, it is an icon of unity and could possibly be the most respected gastronomic dish of all time.

Of course, all of the above sounds exaggerated, but it is possibly true. Other theories state that the Romans were responsible for inventing that jewel only by adding cheese and olive oil to the matzahs, a traditional food of ancient Rome ... no matter who was responsible, its popularity has caused dozens of Pizza sales chains are believed and forget the ancient tradition of creating them at home. A homemade pizza will never exceed one created in an establishment governed by marketing.

So if you love homemade pizza and want to enjoy it without having to order it at home, consider the following recipe, because it will give you the best pizza you could have tried in your life ... it all depends on you.


We recommend: buy a pizza stone, a baking sheet (or pizza spatula) and a cutting wheel. It is also essential to use an electric mixer or blender with different blades: one for mixing, another with a dough hook. If there is no mixer, just do it by hand.

For the pizza dough

→ 1 1/2 cup of water at room temperature

→ 1 packet of dry yeast

→ 3 1/2 cups of bread flour

→ 2 teaspoons olive oil

For the pizza

→ Olive oil

→ Cornmeal

→ Tomato sauce

→ Mozzarella cheese

→ Parmesan cheese

→ Feta cheese

→ Fungi

→ Peppers without seeds

→ Italian sausage cooked previously

→ Sliced ​​Basil

→ Pesto

→ Sliced ​​Pepperoni

→ Onions

→ Ham

(or any other ingredient you want)


Pizza dough step by step

Put the warm water in a large bowl of an electric mixer and slowly add the bread flour until it is completely mixed. If after five minutes it has not yet dissolved completely, you have to stir it a little more until it begins to foam. Remember that if you don't have a mixer, you can do this process by hand.

 If you have the mixer, change the mixing paddle with the dough hook and with low speed knead the ingredient until it has a moldable and elastic consistency. This may take 10 minutes. Continue until it seems that it is not too wet and put it in another bowl previously covered with olive oil to lift.

After putting the bowl in a warm place, it is advisable to cover it with plastic until its size grows. It may take up to an hour or more, but you decide how long to continue the preparation since - the higher the yeast is, the flavor of the crust will improve.

The pizza step by step

 Put a pizza stone in an oven and preheat at 230 ° C for thirty minutes or an hour.

 Remove the plastic from the dough and put the fist in the bowl to deflate it and start cutting it.

 Divide the dough into two and put the balls in separate containers. Put plastic on top and wait another 10 minutes.

 Prepare the ingredients you want to add to your pizza. We recommend the ones above, but the best pizza is personalized. You can bet from the classic cheeses and meats to seafood or other alternatives, as long as the foods that need to be cooked have already been prepared previously. Be careful with the quantities

 If you use the ones we recommend, add a third of a cup of tomato sauce and cheese.

 It is time to start stretching the separated doughs in the form of pizza. Simply flatten it with your hands and create edges. Wait a few minutes for it to mold and flatten again until it has a diameter of about 30 cm.

 Spread the olive oil over the top of the flattened dough and with a finger or some utensil scrape the surface so that the dough does not inflate once it is heated.

  Repeat the process with the other mass.

 On the baking sheet or a pizza spatula spread some cornmeal and put one of the flattened pizza doughs.

 Put the tomato sauce and add the ingredients to taste (remember, do not put too much or it could be ruined).

 Spread cornmeal on the pizza stone and slide the prepared pizza from the spatula. The flour will help the dough slide easily.

 Bake the pizzas until they are as you wish, it usually takes 10 to 15 minutes.

The main point to create your perfect pizza is to put the ingredients you want.